Qualified First Aid training providers | Qualsafe, Service Medical Professional, FOFATO, Driver CPC

How many first aid personnel do you need?

This table offers suggestions on how many first aiders or appointed persons you may need. The details in the table are suggestions only – they are not definitive nor are they a legal requirement. It is for you to assess your first-aid needs in the light of your particular circumstances – try our checklist to help with this.

Suggested numbers of first-aid personnel

First-aid personnel should be available at all times people are at work, based on assessments of risk and number of workers. Where there are special circumstances, such as remoteness from emergency medical services, shift work, or sites with several separate buildings, there may need to be more first-aid personnel than set out below. Increased provision will be necessary to cover for absences.

HSE Guide to the category and number of first-aid personnel to be available at all times people are at work

HSE Guide to the category and number of first-aid personnel to be available at all times people are at work

For more information, please go to www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/174.htm

First Aid courses available from First Aid Training Associates.

This course (presentation and content) was far superior to my last course with a large national organisation. Excellent!
Just wanted to give a little feedback on the Emergency First Aid at Work Course I attended last Friday. It was by far the most informative first aid course I have attended and I thought Simone was excellent, keeping everyone engaged for the whole day.
An excellent course and trainer. He was extremely knowledgeable and experienced. He answered every question thoroughly, giving accurate guidance on how to deal with every scenario. I will be using the company again, very soon. Thanks!
I found the course very useful and engaging. It helped to have all the equipment available for practical use. Our trainer made the class comfortable and welcoming. At no point did I feel pressured or out of my comfort zone. A very nice environment to learn in. Thank you!
The trainer was very engaging. It was clear he knew the science behind why things were done, not just “because”. He was always happy to answer any questions on the subject. His management was also impressive when it came to the less co-operative members of the group. The topic was clear and concise with information suitable to all work places, including domestic and public.
Very good content and well delivered by experienced and skilful trainer. I am now aware and confident to deliver first aid.
I really enjoyed it. The knowledge of the trainer was good and he added in more science than other people have, so it wasn’t boring as I understood it and learnt more things.
I found this training a lot better than first aid training I’ve been to before. Not only was I having a first aid course, but it also felt a bit like a biology session too, which was good. I can’t think of any ways to improve it, as it was very interesting.